Special World Communion Sunday Children’s Moment!
Have you ever wondered how Communion is prepared? Why do we serve Communion this way? If so, come discover all at our special class for our 2-5th grades and parents, where we may get to cut some bread, fill some cups and practice Communion.
This Sunday, we invite our children from 2nd-5th grade to take communion and stay in the Worship service after the younger kids leave.
Before Church at 9:00 am, we are offering a class on this tradition of God’s supper. While not a prerequisite for involvement in communion, this class affords our children an understanding of this beautiful sacrament. It will be a fun behind-the-scenes class.
Integrating our 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th-grade children into worship life is a gift; through parental and intergenerational examples, our children will learn what a part of this community of faith means. Say ‘Hi,’ pass the peace, share a hymn with our faith learners, help them pray, give them a smile and show them the way.
We celebrate World Communion Sunday with many other Christian denominations on the first Sunday of October.
In the United Church of Christ, we believe that all people, of all ages, are welcome at Christ’s table.
This Sunday, communion will be served as intinction; our children will be invited up front with Rev Anne Marie to partake in communion before others.
Please join us, at 9:00 am on the third floor and then join us for our family friendly Worship service of sacrament, song and JOY!