We believe caring for others and building community are ways to share God’s love with the world
Board of Deacons / Spiritual Care Support Board
As ordained representatives of the church, Deacons assist the ministers in leading the congregation spiritually by
Welcoming new members
Distributing Communion and witnessing & welcoming at Baptisms
Coordinating care of the congregation with Care Team Ministry
“Filling the pulpit”: calling ministers to the church
Coordinating lay-led worship services during the church
Providing greeters, hosts, and ushers for church services
Decorating our sanctuaries
Sponsoring church wide and special events to build community
Sponsoring Advent and Lenten groups
Leading special meetings and church retreats
Supporting the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force
Organizing memorial teas
Delivering holiday cards and flowers
Care Ministry Teams & Community Groups
Please consider joining one of these small group communities to make new friends
and to help others in our congregation
Care ministry team
Reaches out to members of the congregation experiencing life’s joys, sorrows, and other challenges. Each week clergy suggest individuals who might benefit from special care, and four Care Teams rotate being responsible for kindnesses, such as checking in with a phone call, writing encouraging cards, providing meals or rides.
Caring for the Caregiver
Provides mutual support and comfort to caregivers of spouses, adult children, grandchildren, relatives, and family members.
Chancel Ministry Team
Decorates the church’s main sanctuary and the one in Wallace Chapel throughout the year with special emphasis upon making them beautiful for Easter and Christmas.
An informal evening gathering open to all women in the church, held monthly, hosted in someone’s home. The goal is to share life experiences and book & film recommendations, laugh, eat goodies, and enjoy each other’s friendship. (During the pandemic the gathering happens on Zoom.)
New Beginnings
Provides a safe place for adults to heal and recover from the loss of relationships through death of a spouse, divorce, or separation. Offers support through therapeutic and practical programs, meeting weekly at the church.
Website: newbeginningswellesley.org
Parish Life
Fosters community and caring within the congregation by facilitating social activities and opportunities for fellowship to develop personal relationships and to contribute to the life of the church family. Regular events include an outdoor ice cream social on Rally Day and (during non-Covid times) a Souper Sunday meal and a multi-generational Hoedown.
Prayer Shawls & Red Scarves
The support and love of the congregation is made tangible in beautiful prayer shawls knit by talented members and distributed by the ministers during pastoral visits. White blankets are presented as gifts to those receiving the sacrament of baptism, and graduating seniors in high school are given red scarves wrapped around them during worship by their parents as a blessing.
Seniors Ministry
Supports and encourages the senior members of the church through monthly get-togethers, programs, recitals, and teas either in-person (in non-Covid times) or on Zoom. The emphasis is on checking in with friends, maintaining valued relationships with the church and each other, and having fun.
Tuesday Morning Meditation Ministry
Provides an opportunity to step aside from the busyness and challenges of our days and pause for an hour to explore the spiritual practice of meditation; to experience how this ancient practice of “resting in God” through simple breathing exercises, stillness, and prayer, can lower blood pressure, enrich our days, and deepen our faith journeys.
Women’s Ministry
Seeks to engage and embrace all women of the church in Christian fellowship by offering meaningful opportunities for women to come together to develop communities for sharing, caring for themselves and others, and spiritual growth.
Other Ways We Care for Our Neighbors
We are called upon to be good neighbors in our community and are thankful for the opportunity to provide space to other groups in Wellesley providing valuable community services. These groups include:
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem.
New Beginnings
Wellesley Food Pantry
Wellesley Nursery School in the Hills furthers church’s mission of caring for and educating children by offering a licensed, non-denominational preschool open to the general public