Learn About our Partnerships and Grants
Each year the Hills Church makes grants to partner organizations who are doing their best to make the world a better place. Outlined below are some of the organizations we support financially
Love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.
Mark 12: 30-31
We strive to live out the call to “love God and neighbor” recognizing that we all have gifts to share.
Explore Our Volunteer Opportunities
We have a variety of safe ways for you and your family to serve and participate at Hills Church.

African Indian Alliance
Strives to improve the lives of Siddis and other highly marginalized groups in Karnataka, India through education, access to health, and micro-financing efforts. Siddis are descendants of Africans who arrived in India over 600 years ago, many through forced migration or slavery. Over the centuries the Siddis have been forced into debt-induced slavery, human trafficking, and subsistence living. One of our former ministers, Reverend Pashington Obeng, developed a close relationship with local Catholic Sisters and Fathers with whom we partner to deliver services. Although several of our members have traveled to India to provide direct support to the Siddis, this has not happened during the pandemic.

All Church Service Day
A Saturday with service opportunities for all church members. Activities for children, youth, young adults and the young at heart. ages, interests and physical capabilities. Activities such as
- Cooking for food shelters
- Planting flower bulbs at the church
- Raking leaves for the elderly
- Project Habitat construction

Christmas Gifts For Families In Waltham
Every year our congregation purchases Christmas gifts for low-income families served by the Thom Charles River early intervention child & family services agency. Families designate their wishes for the parents and kids, and members of the WHCC congregation buy and wrap presents for the families.

Collection Drives
Help our neighbors throughout the year. This year, we collected:
• Children’s books for the Grow Clinic at Boston Medical Center
• Clothing for Second Chances in Somerville
• Blood Drive in honor of Dan McCabe
• Christmas Gifts for Low Income Families in Waltham

Common Cathedral/ Feed the Hungry Ministry
Caters to chronically un–housed adults in downtown Boston and strives to remind them that they are children of God. It does this by building community, providing spiritual care, and bridging the gap between housed and unhoused people. To support this ministry, the church’s Feed the Hungry Ministry Team has been delivering sandwiches and cookies monthly.

Community Garden
At the Brookside Community Garden, the Hills Church garden plot has been planted with seedlings and the seeds children of the church started. During the growing season, volunteer maintain the garden daily. The harvest is donate to the Wellesley Food Pantry.

Family Promise Metrowest
Strives to transform the lives of families with children who are facing homelessness by mobilizing a diverse community to provide shelter, education, and comprehensive support. Until the onset of the pandemic, our church was among the congregations that converted our Sunday School classrooms into bedrooms to host families 3-4 times per year. Family Promise opened a permanent shelter site in 2022 where we continue to offer support by providing hot dinners, tutoring help, and other contributions.

Habitat for Humanity / ReStore
Brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope. Construction volunteers, who must be 16 years or older, are provided training. Members of the church worked in early November on a site in Worcester that will contain three townhouses. Non-construction roles also exist which include working at a ReStore, which is a used furniture warehouse open to the public whose sale proceeds go toward constructing Habitat for Humanity houses in the local area. Recipient of recent Christmas Offering.

Honduras Hope
Empowers economically and politically marginalized people in rural Honduras to create stronger, more resilient, and self-sufficient communities. Volunteers from the church have participated in service trips there pre-covid. Recipient of our recent Christmas Offering.

The Outdoor Church
Serves the homeless and street-involved men and women in Cambridge, MA. The youth of the church have been donating food and clothing monthly to individuals who are supported by this ministry.

A Path In The Woods
Opens new doors of opportunity and exploration for the young men and women in our community and beyond who are searching for their path in life and need assistance, financial or otherwise in beginning their journey.

Pumpkin Patch
The annual sale of pumpkins every fall at the Hills Church is a beloved tradition. Staffed by church volunteers, the proceeds of it are split most years between an outside charitable organization and our Youth Fellowship to help fund their annual service trip.

Wellesley Food Pantry
The Wellesley Food Pantry is housed in the church’s buildings, providing supplemental and emergency food assistance to support residents of Wellesley and other local towns. The Food Pantry welcomes donations and often has opportunities for volunteers to help with its weekly and seasonal work to support this mission.

Youth Service Trips
Typically, each year the members of the Confirmation Class (9th graders) and the high school youth group (10th – 12th grade) participate in a week of service either domestically or internationally. Last year, the youth group traveled to Costa Rico for their first service trip since the end of Covid.

A Better Chance
Provides academically talented and promising young women of color from underserved communities A Better Chance through enrollment at Wellesley High School and participation in a residential program.

GLOBAL H.O.P.E.: Emergency Relief for Haiti, United Church of Christ
Provides opportunities for congregations to assist humanitarian collaborative efforts and to work towards a more just world for all. Beneficiary of our Pumpkin Patch sales to support of their continued emergency relief efforts for the people of Haiti

New Beginnings Of Wellesley Hills
Provides a safe place for adults to heal and recover from the loss of relationships through death of a spouse, divorce, or separation. Offers support through therapeutic and practical programs, meeting weekly at the church.

New Life Furniture Bank Of Massachusetts
Accepts donations of furniture and household items, warehouses them and then makes them available at no charge to those in need through referring agencies. Staffed by volunteers.

African Indian Alliance
Strives to improve the lives of Siddis and other highly marginalized groups in Karnataka, India through education, access to health, and micro-financing efforts. Siddis are descendants of Africans who arrived in India over 600 years ago, many through forced migration or slavery. Over the centuries the Siddis have been forced into debt-induced slavery, human trafficking, and subsistence living. One of our former ministers, Reverend Pashington Obeng, developed a close relationship with local Catholic Sisters and Fathers with whom we partner to deliver services. Although several of our members have traveled to India to provide direct support to the Siddis, this has not happened during the pandemic.

All Church Service Day
A Saturday with service opportunities for all church members. Activities for children, youth, young adults and the young at heart. ages, interests and physical capabilities. Activities such as
- Cooking for food shelters
- Planting flower bulbs at the church
- Raking leaves for the elderly
- Project Habitat construction

Christmas Gifts For Families In Waltham
Every year our congregation purchases Christmas gifts for low-income families served by the Thom Charles River early intervention child & family services agency. Families designate their wishes for the parents and kids, and members of the WHCC congregation buy and wrap presents for the families.

Collection Drives
Help our neighbors throughout the year. This year, we collected:
• Children’s books for the Grow Clinic at Boston Medical Center
• Clothing for Second Chances in Somerville
• Blood Drive in honor of Dan McCabe
• Christmas Gifts for Low Income Families in Waltham

Common Cathedral/ Feed the Hungry Ministry
Caters to chronically un–housed adults in downtown Boston and strives to remind them that they are children of God. It does this by building community, providing spiritual care, and bridging the gap between housed and unhoused people. To support this ministry, the church’s Feed the Hungry Ministry Team has been delivering sandwiches and cookies monthly.

Community Garden
At the Brookside Community Garden, the Hills Church garden plot has been planted with seedlings and the seeds children of the church started. During the growing season, volunteer maintain the garden daily. The harvest is donate to the Wellesley Food Pantry.

Family Promise Metrowest
Strives to transform the lives of families with children who are facing homelessness by mobilizing a diverse community to provide shelter, education, and comprehensive support. Until the onset of the pandemic, our church was among the congregations that converted our Sunday School classrooms into bedrooms to host families 3-4 times per year. Family Promise opened a permanent shelter site in 2022 where we continue to offer support by providing hot dinners, tutoring help, and other contributions.

Habitat for Humanity / ReStore
Brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope. Construction volunteers, who must be 16 years or older, are provided training. Members of the church worked in early November on a site in Worcester that will contain three townhouses. Non-construction roles also exist which include working at a ReStore, which is a used furniture warehouse open to the public whose sale proceeds go toward constructing Habitat for Humanity houses in the local area. Recipient of recent Christmas Offering.

Honduras Hope
Empowers economically and politically marginalized people in rural Honduras to create stronger, more resilient, and self-sufficient communities. Volunteers from the church have participated in service trips there pre-covid. Recipient of our recent Christmas Offering.

The Outdoor Church
Serves the homeless and street-involved men and women in Cambridge, MA. The youth of the church have been donating food and clothing monthly to individuals who are supported by this ministry.

A Path In The Woods
Opens new doors of opportunity and exploration for the young men and women in our community and beyond who are searching for their path in life and need assistance, financial or otherwise in beginning their journey.

Pumpkin Patch
The annual sale of pumpkins every fall at the Hills Church is a beloved tradition. Staffed by church volunteers, the proceeds of it are split most years between an outside charitable organization and our Youth Fellowship to help fund their annual service trip.

Wellesley Food Pantry
The Wellesley Food Pantry is housed in the church’s buildings, providing supplemental and emergency food assistance to support residents of Wellesley and other local towns. The Food Pantry welcomes donations and often has opportunities for volunteers to help with its weekly and seasonal work to support this mission.

Youth Service Trips
Typically, each year the members of the Confirmation Class (9th graders) and the high school youth group (10th – 12th grade) participate in a week of service either domestically or internationally. Last year, the youth group traveled to Costa Rico for their first service trip since the end of Covid.

A Better Chance
Provides academically talented and promising young women of color from underserved communities A Better Chance through enrollment at Wellesley High School and participation in a residential program.

GLOBAL H.O.P.E.: Emergency Relief for Haiti, United Church of Christ
Provides opportunities for congregations to assist humanitarian collaborative efforts and to work towards a more just world for all. Beneficiary of our Pumpkin Patch sales to support of their continued emergency relief efforts for the people of Haiti

New Beginnings Of Wellesley Hills
Provides a safe place for adults to heal and recover from the loss of relationships through death of a spouse, divorce, or separation. Offers support through therapeutic and practical programs, meeting weekly at the church.

New Life Furniture Bank Of Massachusetts
Accepts donations of furniture and household items, warehouses them and then makes them available at no charge to those in need through referring agencies. Staffed by volunteers.