Rev. Emma Brewer-Wallin & the Green Congregation Challenge
The Rev. Emma Brewer-Wallin, SNEUCC Minister for Economic and Environmental Justice, will be our guest preacher on November 13th and will stay following worship to discuss with us the Green Congregation Challenge.
Increasingly, we are adjusting to life with a changed climate. Our conference has initiated a challenge for individuals, families, communities, and congregations to engage creatively and faithfully to this transition. More information about this step-by-step challenge may be found on-line – Green Congregation Challenge.
The SNEUCC also has tri-fold brochures that you may find around the church or online at Green Congregation Brochure.
There are four levels of this challenge:
Level One: Getting Started
Level Two: Creating a Plan
Level Three: Building Momentum
Level Four: Expanding Impact
You can see the four levels of the challenge Green Congregation Levels.
Each level has possible steps in four different categories (Educate, Organize, Connect, and Advocate). Each level also includes suggested actions to Reduce/Recycle/Rethink. The Challenge is designed to connect with congregations and individuals in varying contexts, with varying “built-environments,” and varying levels of commitment. It is designed to invite us to reflect faithfully about God’s call of us to be co-creators, to bring us into a common conversation, and to encourage us to act.
Plan to be a part of the conversation! For more information, talk with Richard Edens,