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Holy Questions for Kids and Parents

September 25, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am
|Recurring Event (See all)

An event every week that begins at 9:00 am on Sunday, repeating until November 6, 2022

(Families with children in grades 2-5):
The Holy questions series begins on Sunday September 25th from 9:00am-9:45am on the third floor in the children’s chapel room. This six week program is a flexible offering for families with elementary school aged children who are looking for ways to ease back into church on Sunday mornings. Each session runs 45 minutes long and offers a gentle study for parents and a separate gentle learning time for elementary age, school children.
All kids ask BIG questions about God…
As parents who care about sharing the Christian faith with our kids, we can run into all sorts of sticky spots as we explore these important questions of faith.
Children and parents can benefit from working together by wondering about topics such as, Who is the HOLY SPIRIT? What is CHURCH? How do we care about each other?
This Sunday, we hope parents and children will join us for some community connection and faithful learning — beginning at 9am!
Each 45 minute session of this six-week break out workshop is an opportunity for open communication, fun, and family learning together. (Parents meet with Rev. Anne Marie over coffee and kiddos meet with Mrs. T!)
 Check it out! Parents are invited to attend one , two, or all of the sessions!
Email Rev. Anne Marie (annemarie@hillschurch.org) or Mrs. T  (sallyt@hillschurch.org) for more information!