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Support Honduras Hope: This Sunday 12/11/22!

December 11, 2022 @ 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Support Honduras Hope! Purchase a Pine Needle Basket crafted by Tolupan Indian women
Sunday, December 11th at Community Hour
Honduras Hope is supported by our Christian Service Support Board. On Sunday, December 11th
during community hour you will have the opportunity to purchase beautiful pine needle baskets
made by Tolupan Indian women who live in the community of Plan Grande in Honduras
Honduras Hope has worked with Plan Grande since 2001. The women’s cooperative has been
making baskets since 2017, when HH arranged for someone to come from another community to
teach them this craft. Since then, the women have improved the quality and artistry of the
baskets and built their business, selling their baskets in stores in Copan and in the US (with the
help of HH). This micro-business provides much needed income for the families, and empowers
the women who participate in the Co-op. HH purchases the baskets from the women at a fair
market value and brings them to the U.S to sell. All proceeds from the sale support the work of
Honduras Hope.
“Entrepreneurship provides women…with opportunities to earn their own incomes. This helps
women achieve greater financial independence, often improving their decision-making power
power within families and increasing household spending on needs like education and health.”