Hills Church


Group 231
governing hallmarks

What are the church’s governing hallmarks?

In 2008 the church embarked upon a process to discover and define the foundational values of the church to reaffirm who we are as a congregation, make these values explicit as the embodiment of the church’s mission, and to give shape to our Christian practice at the Hills Church. The Visioning Hallmarks are our values, and the governance structure puts everything we do into action.

Each of the Visioning Hallmarks reflects a core value of the church:
  • Welcome, Invite and Involve Our Neighbors (Invitation)
  • Care for Others through Outreach (Service)
  • Foster Authentic Relationships (Community/Care)
  • Deepen Our Spiritual Journeys (Spirituality/Worship)
  • Invest in Children and Youth (Faith Formation/Education)
Group 231
Hills Church Governance

How is the church organized?

At the Annual Meeting in January 2016, the congregation approved a revised set of Bylaws that defined a new governance structure for the church. This structure is captured in the updated and redesigned church organization chart, shown here.

The Church Council

Sits at the center of the organization as the main governing body of the church, acting on behalf of the congregation between congregational meetings. The Council also supports several Special Ministry Teams and one Advisory Board. The Moderator team oversees the Council which also includes church officers and at-large members, all elected positions.

Support Boards

Carry out the core ministries of the congregation:

  • Spiritual Care/Deacons – spiritual care and worship
  • Stewards – church operations
  • Christian Service – outward service
  • Faith Formation – education and spiritual development

The boards also provide guidance and support to their respective Ministry Teams. All board members are elected positions. 

Ministry Teams

Each aligned with the appropriate Support Board, provide a wide range of opportunities for church members to engage in the ministries of their choice. They are fluid in nature, with no elected participants but only those who volunteer and feel called to the ministry in question.

Special Ministry Teams

Recognize that some church operations require the involvement of members who have specific knowledge and experience to manage these areas, which are also deemed essential to church operations. Special Ministry Team members are appointed, volunteers, or ex officio, and are elected on the annual slate.

How do I create a New Ministry Team?

Do you have an idea for a Ministry Team? Do you feel the call of God to create a new area of ministry within the church? The Hills Church welcomes ideas for new Ministry Teams as well as suggestions for reviving a former team.