Register your child Wellesley Hills Congregational Church All in One Place Registration Form Blessings Hills Church Families! Please find here the Registration Form for Church School, Youth Group and Confirmation! Thank you in advance for registering! Child Form Our mission at the Hills Church is to provide you and your family a community of love and care for this journey called life! Through the lessons of our faith and the teachings of Jesus, we seek to discover together what it means to be beloved children of God! We hope that our program offerings teach the goodness found in being kind, inclusive, compassionate and forgiving! Join us for worship at 10:00am to learn more about our upcoming program offerings for parents, preschoolers, elementary aged children, middle schoolers and high schoolers! Questions? Email Mrs. T @ When you register you will receive age specific Hills Church Children and/or Youth weekly Newsletters! Multiple Child Registration (Type N/A into fields if not applicable)* Child Name Date of Birth Grade Actions Edit Delete There are no Entries. Add Entry Maximum number of entries reached. Address Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Parent/Guardian Name(Required) Parent/Guardian Email(Required) Parent/Guardian PhoneParent/Guardian Email(Required) Parent/Guardian Name(Required) Parent/Guardian PhoneOur church school is a cooperative program in which we work together to provide a Christian education and a supportive community for our children. Registering your children for church school also confirms your commitment to this model, which so dramatically benefits our children and our church. Our hope is for each family to volunteer in the church school for one month as they are able. Please check your preferred month. Indicate below whether you are comfortable teaching, being a class helper(not leading), or caring for babies in the the nursery.Volunteer Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Are you new to church? Not ready to sign up? No problem, let us know here and we will help answer your questions.List allergies and/or medications needed.(Required)List preferred Medical Facility, Dr. and phone number.(Required)PHOTO PERMISSSION: Photos are taken during worship and Church events. Please indicate if you allow for the sharing of your child's photo on church website and/or social media by replying Yes or NO.(Required) Yes No Interested in: Church School Family Events Youth Group Confirmation Mission Trips Δ